ICOE-OEE 2022, will gather ocean energy professionals and decision-makers from all corners of the globe.
The International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) is a global ocean energy event focused on the industrial development of renewable ocean energy. ICOE is hosted by Ocean Energy Systems, a technology collaboration programme within the International Energy Agency (IEA/OES). Held every two years, the goal of the conference and exhibition is to share recent experiences from research and demonstration efforts.
OEE annual event brings together hundreds of people from across the sector, including politicians, senior decision-makers and key industrial players.
Success and exposure are guaranteed in this unique event, in which more than 900 delegates and businesses from all around the world are expected to gather at the Kursaal Congress Centre and Auditorium.
The ICOE-OEE 2022 programme has something for everyone. Discover our 3 exciting tracks that will cover all aspects of the ocean energy sector, from research & development to funding and large-scale projects in the water!
Programme - ICOE-OEE 2022 (icoeoee2022donostia.org)